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High Cost of Gas Crimps Holiday Travel Plans

Could it be that the roads won't be quite as crowded as last year this holiday weekend?AAA says the high cost of gas has a lot of Americans changing their plans and staying home.SOT: Robert Sinclair, Jr, AAA Spokesman: "when you get these higher gasoline prices there are lot offolks who are saying well, maybe I don't travel this weekend." Of course, the roads won't exactly be deserted. The auto club says just under 32 million of us will take to the nation's roadways over the Memorial Day weekend. That's only down about 1 percent from last year.SOT: Sinclair: "For the majority of people it doesn't have much of an effect. Americans get very few vacation days and so when we have a chance to travel and go over the holiday we do."For those who do plan to drive somewhere, there is more bad news. Experts say the national average for a gallon of regular gas should hit $4 next week. And other travel costs are also on the rise...air fare is higher and so is the cost to rent a car. ___ ___, The Associated Press


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