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AP Campaign Minute

This is AP campaign minute It appears both John McCain and Barack Obama are looking into vice-president candidates. Obama has asked former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson to look at potential picks. Johnson did the same job for John Kerry in 2004, and Walter Mondale in 84. Obama also courted jewish voters Thursday, speaking at a synogouge in Baca Raton, Florida John McCain is meeting with three running mate possibilities this weekend at his Arizona retreat. The three include, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was invited, but had a scheduling conflict. Republican John McCain has rejected the endorsement of an influential Texas televangelist criticized for his anti-Catholic views. McCain issued a statement after a video surfaced in which Hagee said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land. ___ ___, The Associated Press.


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